Legal notice

Website editor:

Atelier Cambium

Business name: Atelier Cambium sarl d’Architecture

Address of the registered office: 32 rue de la Porte Dijeaux 33000 Bordeaux

Telephone number and email address: 05 47 50 12 50 –

Legal form of the company: SARL (French limited liability company)

Amount of the share capital: €100,000

Enrolment number in the Commercial Register: Bordeaux B 492 840 038

Individual tax identification number: FR51492840038

Atelier Cambium is a French limited liability architecture company (SARL d’Architecture) enrolled in the French Order of Architects under number S11266.

Deshoulières Jeanneau Architectes is a French simplified joint-stock architecture company (SAS d’Architecture) enrolled in the French Order of Architects under number S00385

The publication director is Anne-Sophie Delaveau, acting as Communications Director.


Host name: OVH

Host address: 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1


Graphic design: Atelier Bilto Ortèga

Development: Franck Dalla Santa

Editorial design: Victoire Pion

Texts and drawings: Atelier Cambium

English translation: Claudio Cambon

Images (in alphabetical order): Agnès Clotis, Air Studio, Alban de Jong, Aline Dautresme, Arthur Péquin, Atelier Cambium, [Atelier] Caumes, Boris Sensamat / Côté Sud Photo, Brice Desrez, Caroline Bazin, Cécile Perrinet Lhermitte, Deshoulières Jeanneau Architectes, Ercole Salinaro, Hélène Peter, Imago, Ivan Mathie, Jean-François Mestre, Jeudi Wang, Johan Ong, Ludmilla Cerveny, Mesnil Studio, Michel Denancé, Patrick Miara, RUA Representing Unbuilt Architecture, Victor Lepage, Vizé, We are Content(s).

File images: Poitiers municipal and communal archives, Cholet municipal archives, Archives of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques Department, Archives of the Vienne Department, / Bibliothèque nationale de France

All rights reserved