Projects / Culture

Projects / Culture

Château des Arts


Refurbishment and extension of the Château des Arts

Ville de Talence
Atelier Cambium
Design team
Niclas Dünnebacke (heritage architect), BTP (landscape designer), AIA Ingénierie (structural engineering, roadway, QS), AIA environnement (environnement), Cabinet Conseil Vincent Hedont (acoustics), Atelier Bilto Ortega (signage), AIA Management (site management)
Image credits
Talence (33), France
Refurbishment and extension of the Château des Arts: creation of an arts education centre, spaces for community organisations, and the offices of the city’s cultural affairs department.
Surface area
3,410 m2
Construction budget
10 M€ pre tax
Under studies
2023 – 2026
Label sought
Label BBC Effinergie rénovation, RE2020

Acquired in 2018 by the City of Talence, the Château des Arts is being refurbished and expanded to host a music and dance school, visual arts and drama classes, as well as the city’s cultural affairs department.

In working with the existing elements, our project strives for a sense of harmony between architecture and landscape and between old and contemporary, all in an effort to create a site that is both monumental and welcoming. Taking these existing elements into consideration means paying particular attention to the castle’s scale, composition, and proportions. This will guide our work on the back part of the existing building. 


Built in 1890 in a neoclassical style, this castle has hosted a broad variety of usages that have granted it a unique identity: it was the site of François Mauriac’s wedding in 1913, then a training school for single mothers from the end of WWII until the 1970s, a trade school, and finally a GRETA adult education centre until its acquisition by the city in 2018.


The grounds, which are a historically listed wooded space, showcase the castle from the viewpoint of the street. Its requalification will enhance the landscaping and greenery.

The extension is being constructed in resonance with the Château, with a similar scale and composition to the volume in terms of its base, the piano nobile, the first floor, and the cap.

Integration into the site

To complete the integration of the architecture and the landscape, the garden and ground floor levels are designed to match the height of the castle’s left and right wings. Similarly, the framework of the wing facades echoes the neoclassical mouldings of the historical structure.

The spaces are rendered more visible by grouping the functional entities by their area of activity. 

The spaces for the public will be located on the ground and garden floors, while the upper floor will be reserved entirely to the school staff and to the City of Talence’s cultural affairs department.


A dual-height lobby connects the two volumes. Visually porous, it showcases the entrance to the building and the northern façade of the castle while connecting the institution’s various programmes. Its somewhat transparent nature heightens the relationship with the gardens and the greenery surrounding the castle.

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