Hôtel des Douanes

Château des Arts in Talence

Opening of the “IMAGO” exhibition

Work commences on the Thouars multimedia library

 A visit to the Cyneo reusage platform in Vitry

Atelier Cambium + Deshoulières Jeanneau win the competition for the Château des Arts in Talence

Happy New Year!

A look back at 2023

Deshoulières Jeanneau has won the competition to build the Pays des Herbiers Library

Atelier Cambium has been selected to imagine the future neighbourhoods for the Grand Paris Express

Completion of the major structural works for the Alpes Contrôles headquarters

Inauguration of the INSEE statistics centre in Metz

Atelier Cambium is looking to hire a Construction Manager (“MOEX”)

A new website Atelier Cambium + Deshoulières Jeanneau

The television programme “L’esprit des Lieux” on the France Culture channel

Inauguration of the Palaiseau Inter-Municipal Performing Arts Conservatory

Happy New Year!